For What It's Worth Blog

FWIW #38 - The Real Culprit

Posted by Eugene Kelly(E. Aly) on Oct 10th 2023

In the Wall Street Journal last week, I read an article about monetarism that’s important, even if the author’s perspective is less than right.As the author, James Mackintosh, correctly points out … read more

FWIW # 37 - Four Major Risks

Posted by Eugene Kelly (E. Aly) on Sep 20th 2023

It’s been a while since the last FWIW, primarily because I’ve been dumbfounded by the surreal events taking place. I’m not speaking about the stock market and its rise this year. That’s the only ev … read more

FWIW # 36 - The Future

Posted by Eugene Kelly(E. Aly) on Jun 20th 2023

The Fed paused raising interest rates, and the stock market immediately declined then rose the next day. Now you know why (1) money managers who try to play Wall Street’s game of guessing the futur … read more

FWIW # 35 Theatre of the Absurd

Posted by Eugene Kelly(E. Aly) on May 26th 2023

Washington can sadden an observer more than many realize. This comedy about the debt limit issue is a prime example. The Democrats thought the Republicans couldn’t find a position to negotiate with … read more

FWIW # 34 Fear & Greed & CBDC

Posted by Eugene Kelly(E. Aly) on Mar 28th 2023

When the markets are fearful, you should be greedy. If you look on pages 46 and 113 in my book 19 Rules for Getting Rich and Staying That Way Despite Wall Street, you will see a drawing of what I c … read more